Doug Hinton
In the beginning, the earth was formless and void; there was nothing but darkness;
In Him, all things hold together.
Though all creation was made good, and man made in His image, man still ate the fruit;
In Him, all things hold together.
When Abel died out his own brother hand, when water covered all the land..
In Him, all things hold together.
400 years of slavery and oppression, 10 plagues in succession, delivery through a watery grave into the promise once made.
In Him all things hold together.
Kings who did evil in the sight of the Lord, Prophets who called out to the sinning horde.
In Him all things hold together.
Psalms and wisdom, praise and lament, rebellion and repentance, suffering or content.
In Him all things hold together.
Then one faithful night, a promise made to Mary, a young virgin teen, promised to Joseph who beheld an angel in a dream…
The boy’s birth found not in a palace or even in an inn, but in a manger where shepherds would come in…
In Him all things hold together.
He was visited by foreign kings not of God’s chosen people, and sought after by King Herold who killed the baby boys in the land younger than two…yet,
In Him all things hold together.
Baptized by His cousin who was later beheaded
In Him all things hold together.
He healed the lame, gave sight to the blind, raised Lazarus from the dead…
In Him, all things hold together.
Threatened, tempted, and tested, He often slipped through the crowds and into the wilderness…
In Him all things hold together.
He was praised when He entered Jerusalem, yet some sought to kill him
In Him, all things hold together.
They feared losing their position, their place of worship, the favor with Rome…
In Him, all things hold together.
In Him, all power and authority were given…and he knelt down to wash his disciples’ feet as a servant
In Him all things hold together.
Betrayed and arrested, accused and beaten, yet, no deceit was in His mouth, no sin had He committed.
In Him all things hold together.