Worship at all Ages
Sunday School

Sundays Following Morning Worship
Guided Adult Bible Studies are offered throughout the calendar year to encourage deeper Bible learning experiences and encourage growth in your faith walk. These studies will change periodically and there are often more than one offering taking place to appeal to diverse areas of interest.
Please see our monthly Herald newsletter for a description of our classes and what they are currently studying.
Youth Group
Sundays at 6:30 PM
Youth group is the place to come with your struggles, questions, celebrations, and worries, and share them with peers and leaders that genuinely care. The night is dedicated to learning how to integrate what we learn in the Bible with our lives to live out our faith. It is also a time for teens to invite their friends in, as they will be welcomed no matter their background. After the lesson time, we break out into small groups to debrief the lesson, and challenge teens practically in their walk with Christ.