This Sunday
This Week's Message
He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures
Pastor Doug Hinton
Psalm 23:2; Luke 2:7 (surrounding verses)
Through out these accounts of Mary and Joseph leading up to and including Christ’s birth, we see times to safety in travel, safety among threats, and safety among the ‘new.’ Traveling to Bethlehem for the first census, Mary (far along in her pregnancy) and Joseph make their way back to his family’s hometown. After arriving, she gives birth to Jesus and lays Him in a manger. There was a time when Jesus fully relied on His earthly parents. No matter what would come, Mary and Joseph sought to provide for and nurture Him so that in His human form, He felt safe and cared for. If we can understand this in an human way, how much more does God care for us? How can we recognize His provision for us? How much more so if Christ is who He said He was?